Good morning Reader. Story time.
So in college, Junior Year, Loyola University Chicago, I remember one evening, I was working on a project and I needed something designed and the person I was asking to help me do it was legit posing for me 🙄. I can't stand posers. If you can't do it just say so. The Shakara a.k.a posing is not going to make me beg.
I really needed this thing done for one of my classes so I called another friend and he told me about photoshop. This was in 1998. I said "what is that"? and that question changed my life forever. I spent the next 10 years mastering Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator and the Adobe suite. And that one tool has made me at least over $200,000+ since then.
It's not just what you know or learn. It's how you USE what you know and learn, that's where your superpower is.
The reason I like tools is that for many things that I'm not confident in, having the tools at least gives me a chance to explore the idea that I can do it. I've always been fascinated by the power of tools to make us more efficient, save us energy and help us become skilled at using the tool.
If I ask you right now to tell me 5 things you're working on and 5 things you need tools for, I am 99.5% certain that I can give you at least 1 or 2 tools that that will solve the problem you're dealing with. Yup I'm that chic- RESOURCEFUL.
So understanding the power of tools for my work, I've developed a passion for creating tools that will dramatically reduce the time, energy and efficiency of the the incredible women and men I work with.
So last year, when I came up with this tool, I had no idea it would end up on Appsumo (The #1 Digital Marketplace for Entrepreneurs) as one of the top content development planners for entrepreneurs. As I am typing this I got an alert that someone just got a copy.
This planner can stand alone on its own, but I also created an intensive 2 hour masterclass to help you develop content as a Thought Leader.
If you don't have your copy yet, click the image below to grab it now It's on a special offer for $99 to $49 on Appsumo
If you work on this right now, this morning instead of spending scroll time on social media, you can develop your plan before the end of today, with incredible content that will transform the way you show up online.
Here's my challenge to you today Reader. Grab the masterclass HERE (It comes with the planner), and if you're the 1st person that emails me at the end of Sunday at 11:59pm, Let me know that you finished watching the masterclass and I'll send you $50 anywhere you are in the world.
So you basically, you'll be getting this planner for free. This only applies if you take the masterclass. CLICK LINK HERE TO SIGN UP​
Will you take me up on this challenge Reader?
p.s. I only received 5 replies back for the Learning Journal, the mail I sent last week. I needed 20 to move forward. So I'll be designing it for my use. If you do want it, let me know I'll send you the link once I upload it to Amazon.
Good morning Reader and if you celebrated Christmas, Merry Christmas. If you didn't, Happy Tuesday to you. I am hopping in to tell you that: I refused to get a Christmas tree or decorate our home, cuz the stress of doing it every year is a no for me lol I want to let you know my purpose and desire to support your path as a leader is exciting and soul level joyful. I look forward to you opening every single email I send because you know it will bring you value and always have something you can...
Good morning Reader and if you celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas. If you don't, Merry Day to you. I am hopping in to tell you that: I refuse to get a Christmas tree or decorate our home, cuz the stress of doing it every year is a no for me lol I want to let you know my purpose and desire to support your path as a leader is exciting and soul level joyful. I look forward to you opening every single email I send because you know it will bring you value and always have something you can work...